Thanksgiving Half Price Offer for CIPP & CIAPP Online Procurement Certifications & The Effective Procurement Executive Online Training!

Thanksgiving Offer Valid  until 26 November 2021. Extended Until 4 December 2021.

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CIPP & CIAPP Online Procurement Certifications

Certified International Procurement Professional

  • 1 to 12 Months Completion Time
  • 12 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 65 Courses with total seat time of 63 hours
  • Exams

CIPP Regular Price $2,995.

Discount 50%

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional

  • 3 to 18 Months Completion Time
  • 18 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 114 Courses with total seat time of 107 hours
  • Exams

CIAPP Regular Price $3,995.

Discount 50% 

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

Watch the 7 Minutes video below that answers the Question: "What CIPP & CIAPP will do for You?" 

 Click "Unmute" Button on the Top Right of the Video to Watch from the Beginning ...

Got Questions about CIPP & CIAPP? Call Us for Priority Response at +1-312-300-8968 or Contact Us Here.
For an Online Demo for Certifications, Go Here to Complete a Quick Survey & Schedule Your Time!

The [CIAPP] Program is Interesting, Comprehensive, Easy to Understand, Easy to Learn & Cost Efficient. It Exceeded my Expectations for Online Training! I believe that in the near future the [CIAPP] program will help me will increase my chances of promotion, pay raise or new job opportunity 

Dimitar Stefanov Dimitrov - Service Delivery Manager - Telenor, Bulgaria

CIAPP Certified 

Worth the Money & Value Investment.Before the simulations, I am 90% confident that I have fully grasped the lessons and principles. Then comes the humbling simulations :), ... I often found myself going back to review and get better understanding. It's one thing to know the principles, application is a different challenge as scenarios change and can be complex. But in the end, I am confident that I am better placed to deliver and exceed expectations at work and personal engagements.  

Adebisi Shonekan - Senior Commercial Operations Manager - Baker Hughes

CIPP Certified

Courses were easy to follow even when the topic was difficult. The examples were great as well.   [online simulations] were helpful because they gave a few examples so I could apply the situations to our world easily and gave great tips along the way on how to use the tools. Applying a real situation to the simulation examples was great in helping me learn to apply the information correctly and with the greatest impact.  … there was so many tools and charts that I can apply to my work.  … Overall it was a great experience and will be very useful to my work.

Karen Lawton - Buyer - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities, Canada 

CIAPP Certified

After Completing [CIPP Certification] I've Been Promoted to Corporate Buyer!

The CIPP program is comprehensive, easy to understand and to learn. It's a great, self-paced course with an exam at the end. It's a very good balance between course content and additional knowledge and experience. I like the practical examples perfect for its purposes and the orientation of the simulators. Overall the course can be applied to my current job. The assignments were challenging, helpful and informative. 

I would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to add value to their current role in the procurement field. After completing the course I've been promoted from Operational Buyer to Corporate Buyer.

Raylena Burnett - Corporate Buyer - Renaissance Global Logistics - United States - CIPP Certified

[my favourite thing about e-courses was that] some things were very similar to the functions I was doing at work, which is great to see. … 9 areas of cognitive bias and how to use them in your favor … learning more about all the steps, strategies for each steps and actions.

[I would apply the knowledge acquired] when introducing a new product to the markets it is important to have the specs to start contacting suppliers.

Marie Melendez - Project Manager - Independent Purchasing Cooperative Subway - Canada

Feedback for Scenario Based E-Learning & CIPP/CIAPP Online Training & Certification

[my favourite thing about e-courses was] Exposure to real life practical examples ... practical scenarios … Real life simulation scenarios getting me reflecting on daily experience. [I would apply the knowledge acquired in] Buying goods and services online … Sourcing of IT supplies and services … Negotiating complex projects … Negotiation of importation prices [as] recently suppliers are ripping importers on freight due to COVID 19.

Edward Higenyi - Head of Procurement - Uganda Virus Research Institute

Feedback for Scenario Based E-Learning & CIPP/CIAPP Online Training & Certification

This has given me so much more confidence when conducting my day to day routine!

I honestly cant say enough good things about this program! My knowledge has increased substantially since taking the first course. These courses have made me better in all facets of procurement. Looking back now, I was not as educated as I thought I was in a lot of areas of procurementThese courses have taken me to a whole new level of understanding and has given me so much more confidence when conducting my day to day routine. This has truly been an amazing journey and experience for me and I cant thank you enough for the opportunity. I will be forever grateful!

Ernie Ethier - Buyer - Parkbridge Lifestyle Communities, Canada

CIAPP Certified

The Effective Procurement Executive

Tested & Proven Procurement Strategies & Practices that Have Stood the Test of Time, Are Practical & Flat Out Work - For New & Seasoned Procurement Professionals!

Click here for Full E-Course Details

Regular Price $797

Discount 50%

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Certified International Procurement Professional

  • 1 to 12 Months Completion Time
  • 12 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 65 Courses with total seat time of 63 hours
  • Exams

CIPP Regular Price $2,995.

Discount 50%

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional

  • 3 to 18 Months Completion Time
  • 18 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 114 Courses with total seat time of 107 hours
  • Exams

CIAPP Regular Price $3,995.

Discount 50% 

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

How Does It Work?

The CIPP certification is open to all procurement executives who are active in a procurement, contract management or category management role without requiring any long experience on the job. 

However for those who want to enter the advanced CIAPP program, it is beneficial to have:

-  a Bachelors degree together with a minimum of five years’ relevant experience in a procurement role or in a Managerial position and above. 

The learning plans leading to CIPP & CIAPP certification are well-balanced learning plans for two procurement-professional profiles of different experience levels. 

Completely Online 

These programs are delivered completely online and are essentially self-directed allowing you to study at your own pace. You can learn wherever and whenever you see fit, at your own pace. A dedicated support team is there to help you and to make sure that you do not fall behind on your schedule. 

The course materials & methodology is highly interactive and have one thing in common: as opposed to the more theoretical courses, these courses are scenario-based and designed to be applied in practice. They are practical courses that are relevant to your everyday experiences on the job. 

How To Start & Complete the Program(s)?

Here's the steps to start & complete CIPP or CIAPP certifications:

  • Register & Pay 
  • We will Give Your Account Username & Password 
  • Login Anytime (24/7) & Start the Online Learning Program
  • Watch All Online Scenario Based E-Learning & Related Materials 
  • Complete Simulations
  • Complete All Online Application Based Tasks 
  • Pass All Assessments & Final Exam

7 Cutting-Edge 21st Century Learning Tools & Methodologies:

Unlike other programs, we use the latest cutting-edge 21st century learning tools & methodologies at every stage of your learning process so that you:

First, Learn Concepts with:

  • Scenario Based E-Learning (20 to 30 minutes each course)

Second, Remember & Internalize that knowledge through:

  • Micro-Courses (5 minutes),
  • PDF Summaries for Reading (5 Minutes),
  • In-course Exercises (1 to 2 minutes) &
  • Assessments/Exams (20 minutes).

Finally apply what you learn in your day to day job and show improvements long before you get certified through:

  • Real-Life Simulations (10 to 15 minutes each) &
  • Application based tasks/mini assignments (2 to 4 hours each).

Certified International Procurement Professional

  • 1 to 12 Months Completion Time
  • 12 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 65 Courses with total seat time of 63 hours
  • Exams

CIPP Regular Price $2,995.

Discount 50%

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional

  • 3 to 18 Months Completion Time
  • 18 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • 114 Courses with total seat time of 107 hours
  • Exams

CIAPP Regular Price $3,995.

Discount 50% 

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code THANKSGIVING50%

The Effective Procurement Executive

Tested & Proven Procurement Strategies & Practices that Have Stood the Test of Time, Are Practical & Flat Out Work - For New & Seasoned Procurement Professionals!

Click here for Full E-Course Details

Regular Price $797

Discount 50%

Click the Button Below & Enter Discount Code


Got Questions about CIPP & CIAPP? Call Us for Priority Response at +1-312-300-8968 or Contact Us Here.
For an Online Demo for Certifications, Go Here to Complete a Quick Survey & Schedule Your Time!

More Information About CIPP & CIAPP Certifications ...