Cost Price Analysis in Procurement & Contracts

2/3 Days Training Program

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Why This Training?

Conducted by ‘True Guru’ Of Purchasing’, Robi Bendorf, this is the only program that will fully expose, clarify, & illustrate what it takes to conduct cost & price analysis. All done through an 80% application (with hands on exercises) and only 20% explanation …

I attended the course with the fear that this would be a math session where all we did was do math exercises. I was extremely happy with the material & the delivery and for the first time in a decade or so of attending trainings in the region I am greatly satisfied” 
Mohammed Khaled Al Gussyer – Senior Buyer – SABIC

Attended by literally hundreds of participants the course consists of techniques & strategies that have stood the test of time and been proven to work in real life.

“Very Practical training course that providing more insight on carrying out an effective procurement price/cost analysis.”
Leong Shiaw Mei – Procurement Project Specialist – Xyratex 

Brief Course Description

Fundamental to developing and implementing purchasing cost reduction & negotiation strategies is knowledge of Cost/Price Analysis, Supplier Pricing Models, Purchase Price Indexes, Economic Price Adjustments, and Total Cost of Ownership concepts. 

Covering such topics in depth in this 2/3 days Cost Price Analysis training course participants will learn through hands-on exercises and practical discussions what goes into suppliers costs and pricing details so that to analyse supplier prices & costs for effective cost reduction & negotiation. Some of the topics covered are:

  • The Difference Between Price And Cost Analysis
  • Criteria For Selecting The Analysis Type
  • 7 Methods Of Price Analysis
  • 10 Supplier Pricing Models
  • Methods Of Cost Analysis
  • Development Of "Should Cost" 

For full course details download training brochure

For Priority Response Call Us at +1-312-300-8968

7 Key Takeaways:

1. Where To Focus Your Efforts When Doing Cost-Price Analysis?

You’re busy with a lot of work - that’s why you first learn what is effective in procurement & what is not effective. Then we show as to where should you do direct your Cost-Price analysis endeavors so that you don’t waste time doing things that do not affect the bottom line.

2. The Difference Between Price Analysis & Cost Analysis?

There’s a time when you do Price Analysis and there’s a different time when you do Cost Analysis. We’ll show you the difference and when you should do each of them!

3. How To Perform Price Analysis?

This session is jump-packed with exercises where you’re going to understand how suppliers mark up their prices, margin pricing & using purchase price index to determine the price suppliers should charge

4. How to Perform Cost Analysis?

This is where you learn all you need to know about cost analysis accompanied with exercises, for example … cost estimation, major elements of cost, effects of direct & indirect costs on suppliers costs/pricing, getting suppliers to provide cost breakdowns and should cost analysis.

5. Overall Simple, Easy & Down-To-Earth Explanation & Application Of All Cos-Price Analysis Concepts

Despite the fact that cost and price analysis is complicated, we introduce all concepts in a practical, realistic & coherent way so that you can absorb all the concepts in an easy way & go back ready to apply these concepts in your day to day activities.

6. Principles Shown Through Examples & Exercises.

Mark up pricing, margin pricing, price volume relationship, using historical data from purchase price index, should cost estimation.

7. Samples, Templates & Checklists

Should cost sample & checklist, Cost estimating Summary sheet, Indirect Cost Pool template cum checklist.

Expert Strategic Sourcing Course Description

For Priority Response Call Us at +1-312-300-8968

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