Is Certified International Procurement Professional & Advanced (CIPP & CIAPP) the Right Certification for You?

CIPP (Certified International Procurement Professional) & CIAPP (Certified International Procurement Professional are 2 certifications that are not right for everyone. 

While they both cater to new & experienced procurement professionals, anyone who is considering to undertake a procurement certifications must first understand the 2 different types of certifications in general, how they work and which one is best suited under different circumstances. 

The 2 Types Of Procurement Certifications

The thing about procurement certifications is that they fall into 2 categories:

First, are those (and most are in this group) with a long exam, that when passed people get certified. The focus is on the exam, passing it - many even have special classes on how to answer exam questions and score a passing mark.

Second there are those that focus on building skills, knowledge and use those to get results in the workplace. Exams are part of the program and you need to pass them, but once someone completes the learning program, passing the exams is not an issue. These certifications are focused on the learner not the exam ‘per se’.

Depending on your existing level of knowledge and skills, you might decide to enroll for the first or second type as we show later below.

But first if you considering Certified Procurement Professional or the Advanced program(CIPP or CIAPP), they are the second type …

Certified International Procurement Professional & Advanced (CIPP & CIAPP) Are Learner Focused.

CIPP & CIAPP certification program are the second type of procurement certifications that help build practical and real-life procurement skills & knowledge. All the methodologies used in the course instructional design for CIPP/CIAPP help anyone to not just master the subject matter but embed the skills as part of your own behavioural traits and character. 

This is achieved through a combination of 7 Cutting-Edge Learning Tools that Make Learning Fun & Help Change Behaviour. They are below:

  1. Scenario Based E-Learning
  2. Online Simulations
  3. Built-In Notes/Summary in PDF
  4. Refreshers/Micro-Courses
  5. Application Based Tasks
  6. In-Course Exercises & Quizes
  7. Assessments & Exams

Watch 24 samples for free here

Scenario Based E-Learning forms the core of CIPP & CIAPP program and is a much higher level of online learning. It requires 10 times longer (and costlier) to develop than traditional rapid e-learning which is power point slides presentation with a voice over narration/an instructor talking over his notes.

Its effect is similar to good classroom training and 1 hour of scenario-based e-learning equals 3 or 4 hours of classroom training. This is the most advanced learning because it is based on cognitive load theory which is a grounded theory thought to be the best for the brain in relation to learning. 

For example, when information is presented in a complex way to you, your working memory will often get overloaded and learning stops. To avoid this we use auditory stimuli and relevant visuals simultaneously. Both sources of information need to deliver an essential (not redundant) contribution. It is about concurrent crisp audio text and relevant visual pictures being delivered, rather than simply putting text on screen and reading it out which is used in rapid-learning.

As a result of these techniques, learners will be able to reconstruct the course structure and important content quite easily as it has been put in schemas in your long-term memory.

As you move through the certification program you will acquire qualities & skills that make you a better professional - this happens sub-consciously as the learning is designed to impart principles and practices in your long-term memory. 

That’s why they are the Superior Online Procurement Certifications, with a practical, real-life & results based approach that is different from other certifications. 

Is Certified International Procurement Professional & Advanced (CIPP & CIAPP) Then, Right for Everyone!?

Depending on the existing level of procurement skills & knowledge that one has, below is a guideline as to which type of procurement certification is the right choice.

Exam-Oriented Certification for Those Knowledgeable & Experienced 

The first type of exam focused certification has a purpose mainly for those who are experienced & knowledgeable about most procurement skills & competences like:

  • strategic sourcing, 
  • negotiating with suppliers, 
  • reducing costs, 
  • managing suppliers and contracts,
  • managing internal stakeholders, 
  • category management,
  • procurement strategy etc. 

Such expert professionals would usually want to just take the exam and be done with it - this is not because they don’t need to study, but because they already know most about procurement skills & competences. A quick refresher of principles during an intense exam preparation course or reviewing of exam study materials is usually sufficient. 

Learning & Learner Focused Certification (CIPP & CIAPP) To Build Long Term Skills & Knowledge 

The second type of procurement certifications focused on learning & development is for those who are actively looking to build their procurement skills, knowledge & competences whether sourcing, negotiations, costs reduction, category management, contract & supplier relations etc. 

CIPP (Certified International Procurement Professional) & CIAPP (Certified International Procurement Professional are 2 certifications for those who are looking for a knowledge-based & skills-building procurement certification.

With One-All Inclusive price for CIPP at USD 2,195  and CIAPP at USD 2,995 it’s an unbeatable value as it includes all the following:

Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP)

  • 12 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • For Those with Less than 5 Years Procurement Experience
  • 65 Courses with total seat time of 63 hours
  • Online & Phone Support
  • USD $2,195

Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional (CIAPP)

  • 18 Months unlimited access to assigned courses
  • For Those with More than  5 years Procurement Experience 
  • 114 Course-modules with total seat time of 107 hours
  • Online & Phone Support
  • USD $2,995

Find Out More about CIPP (Certified International Procurement Professional) & CIAPP (Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional) by Downloading the Official CIPP & CIAPP Brochure & a Free Trial to 24 Samples Below:


Get Brochure Here!

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