CIPP/CIAPP Online Procurement Certification Difference!

Certified International Procurement Professional (CIPP) & Certified International Advanced Procurement Professional (CIAPP) is an online learning procurement certification program based on innovative design of our courses guaranteed to provide an active learning experience, putting you in recognizable day-to-day situations that encourages to actively apply your knowledge and practice skills.

Our objective is for learners to build usable, practical & real life skills & competences, not rotten & academic principles just to pass an exam. CIPP/CIAPP procurement certification is for those who aspire to achieve results in their job, not for those who want to get a piece of paper saying “certified …”. 

Saying No To Price Comparisons Alone!

As such any comparison with other procurement certifications should not and cannot be on price alone, but on other factors as well. Each certification is different, and choosing the least expensive is not the right decision without considering other factors.

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Once you’ve had the opportunity to go through the information and factors below, we strongly believe that it will be clear to you that CIPP & CIAPP is probably the only procurement certification that equips you with real-life skills to succeed in your procurement career. 

And that is the core difference of our procurement certification advantage ….

Practical, Real-Life Skills & Results Based Procurement Learning Certification!

All the methodologies used in the course instructional design for CIPP/CIAPP help anyone to not just master the subject matter but embed the skills as part of your own behavioural traits and character. 

As you move through the certification program you will acquire qualities & skills that make you a better professional - this happens sub-consciously as the learning is designed to impart principles and practices in your long-term memory. Here’s how this happens ….

1. Scenario-based Procurement E-Courses Using Real-World Situations

Scenario Based E-Learning is a much higher level of online learning as it takes 10 times longer (and costlier) to develop than traditional rapid e-learning (power point slides presentation with a voice over narration).

That’s why its effect is similar to good classroom training and 1 hour of scenario-based e-learning equals 3 or 4 hours of classroom training. This is the most advanced learning because it is based on cognitive load theory which is a grounded theory thought to be the best for the brain in relation to learning. 

For example, when information is presented in a complex way to you, your working memory will often get overloaded and learning stops. To avoid this we use auditory stimuli and relevant visuals simultaneously. Both sources of information need to deliver an essential (not redundant) contribution. It is about concurrent crisp audio text and relevant visual pictures being delivered, rather than simply putting text on screen and reading it out which is used in rapid-learning.

As a result of these techniques, you will be able to reconstruct the course structure and important content quite easily as it has been put in schemas in your long-term memory.

2. Fun & Exciting to Watch Procurement E-Courses

Ever have to ‘yawn’ and fall asleep at watching ‘long & boring’ online courses? Yes, it’s a common problems in the e-learning world, especially on rapid learning format where any instructor can sit in front of his/her computer and record their explanations through powerpoint slides. 

That does not happen with CIPP/CIAPP online procurement training  - you will enjoy watching e-learning modules, since there’s no fluff and no theory. Only real learning with advanced visual and instructional design based on cognitive load theory - this makes learning significantly more effective ... science does matter. 

E-courses are fun to follow and continuously receive excellent learner ratings. These are often higher than that of traditional classroom training. But perhaps more important - the courses have a similar learning effect as classroom seminar.

We’ve put tremendous efforts to ensure that scenario-based e-learning only delivers learning that will keep learners coming back to watch for more. 

3. Advanced Tools To Make Learning Stick Long Term

While High-Impact/Scenario Based E-learning courses remain the backbone of our online procurement certification program, we use a series of other online training delivery methods that will further enhance the learning effect & ensure that whatever you learn will become part of your skills and competences for life. 

These training delivery methods include:

  • Simulations

Short interactive and scenario-based exercises that put learners in a recognizable situation. They represent Real Life Problems faced by Procurement Executives, where you are given the opportunity to apply the concepts learned. You are put in a scenario where you need to make decisions & given immediate feedback on those decisions. 

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  • Refreshers/Micro-Courses

After Scenario Based E-Learning Individuals Go through a Very Concise Summary of Key Principles. These are short 3 to 5 minutes e-courses that summarize all core concepts of every topic.

  • Quizes & Assessments

It is a best practice to use quizzes and exercises as by engaging the  learners (two ways learning) their retention will be much higher as compared to passive learning (one way learning – narration only).

Quizes are build within each e-course whereas Assessments are a list of 10 to 20 questions given after learners have completed their learning for each competence eg Negotiations, Project Management or Transportation Assessment.

  • Application Based Tasks

After you complete your scenario based e-learning, simulations, review PDF note, we take you further to ensure that what you learn sticks in your long term memory and ensure an immediate application of key learning’s on the job. 

You will have a number of short job related assignments. Deliverables are 1 page reports such as “Reviewing outcomes of a Negotiations Event", ”writing a category strategy” or “report on RFP process”. 

All Inclusive One Price Online Procurement Certification Program!

All is included in one program in one price …

  • Scenario-Based E-Learning, 
  • Simulations & PDF Summaries, 
  • Refreshers/Micro-Courses, 
  • Application Based Tasks, 
  • Quizes, Assessments, Exams.

In comparison some procurement certifications out there, offer courses to prepare for exams, plus ‘a variety of exam preparation materials’, plus ‘supplemental reading’ with hundreds of dollars price tags attached to each of them. Then you’d have to pay for exam 1, exam 2, exam 3 - all those hundreds of dollars then become few thousand dollars. 

The lack of clarity in what a candidate should study for certification frustrates, aggravates & irritates many potential candidates.

For CIPP/CIAPP once you enrol, there is nothing else you need to purchase, nothing else to study - all is included in a straight-forward manner and it’s laid-out neatly as an online learning program. 

For example once you finish e-course 1, automatically e-course 2 will be in your list, then a simulations, task or assessment and you continue completing the list. It’s like a clearly laid out check-list that once you finish an item, it’s automatically crossed off and you move one to the next … until the end. All laid out in a perfectly clear manner.

Free Access to 24 Online Procurement Certification Samples

To ensure that you have full details about the certification program format we offer free access to 24 samples that you can watch at your own time - Try Before Buying. Discover  the high quality that makes CIPP/CIAPP certification program different from others.

Access them here.

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