How To Get Your Company Sponsor The Effective Procurement Executive Online Training Course?

Below You will Discover a Fool-Proof Approach that Will Get (Almost) Any Company to Sponsor & Pay for This Program to Enroll Their Staff (You).

Email 1 - Send Now 

Copy and paste but edit where appropriate to 'sync' with your company style.


email Subject: Approve this online course for me OR would like to enroll in this course 

Dear (name of supervisor/HR etc),

I'd like to enroll for The Effective Procurement Executive online program.

This is a Real-Life & Practical 5 hours online program - currently with a time-limited half price offer. $298.5 only (instead of $597)

While there are many reasons I can think of joining, what got my attention is the real-life knowledge that I will gain and the immediate improvements I can bring. Once I complete this program I will (at  the least) implement 3 Best-In-Class Practices to ...

1. Resist Price Increases,

2. Get Supplier Breakdowns,

3. How to answer some common questions suppliers ask to gain an unfair advantage.

All the above are part of the program offering and I'm confident this will help in dealing with suppliers - not just me, but the whole company as others can use the same practices.

As half price ($298.5) offer is available only for the next few days I'd appreciate your quick response and approval.

Best Regards

Your Name

EMAIL 2 - Send 24 hours after the first email if no reply

If you don't get a response within 24 hours, then go to your "Sent" items, find the email you sent earlier and click "Reply All".

Then make it short and quick as below - remember that even though this email is short, the 1st email email will be below for supervisor/HR to read through.

Also you can take initiative and state that you'll go ahead if you don't hear from your approver, and claim later. As $298.5 is a small amount most companies will be OK with this - however you know best how it works in your company :). 

--------------------------------------------------------------- of supervisor/HR...

Appreciate your response to my earlier email. There's only another 2 days left for the half price offer of $298.5 instead of $597 regular price.

I know you're busy, so just in case this email reaches you later and you can't reply within the next 24 hours, I will pay and enroll first then I will apply for re-imbursement later. 

If there's any other thoughts, please reply soonest. 


Your name


Go Here to Enroll with the Half Price Offer of $298.5 Before it Expires.

Why These 2 Emails Work Well?

You have likely noticed that we sent you more than 1 email encouraging you to join this program, because we have found that by sending few more emails more people enroll for the program. 

In your case by using a 2nd email reminder you will increase tremendously your chances of approval as you're doing a conscientious follow up. 

By sending 2 emails within 2 days to your company/boss/supervisor you have a very high possibility to get your request approved. If there's no response to the first email asking for approval, then send the second email. 

Let's just see from the company's point of view - you're trying to convince them so first you need to show you will bring benefits to your company after enrolling.

  • What Your Company Will Get in Return for Sponsoring This for You? 

You will give your company 3 New Processes that everyone in the Company can use. These are 3 Checklists tested & proven to work that will improve your company's processes for lower costs, better prices and professional negotiations. 

- Resisting Price Increases Checklist

First you will give your company a detailed checklist of how to Resist Price Increases. When you use this, you will have a fool-proof process in place that most of the time will effectively resist price increases and get the supplier go back to the older price.

- 7 Steps Checklist to Get Price Breakdowns from Suppliers (Even When They Don't Want to)

Second, a checklist that will help you get price and cost breakdown when suppliers send their quotes. As you will learn in the Effective Procurement Executive you can then use these price breakdowns to negotiate better prices  without being a pain in suppliers back, but as someone that is helping them to get the contract. 

- How to Answer 6 Common Questions Suppliers Ask When Negotiating?

This final blueprint provides a list of 6 questions suppliers ask to gain an unfair advantage when talking with buyers. You'll get a scripted 'word-by-word' template how to answer them correctly and professionally, so that you are not taken advantage of. 

All the 3 Templates/Processes are Ready that you will get with Your Enrollment. So you can deliver to Your Company 3 Best-in-Class Processes to Resist Price Increases, Get Supplier Breakdowns & How everyone in the company should answer 6 common questions suppliers ask to gain an advantage over you and your company

  • What if Your Company Still Does Not Sponsor/Pay for This?

Unfortunately there's no way to sugar-coat this, but here's the ugly truth:

The company does not value you!!!

It may also be that some are new in their jobs and not entitled to training budgets, but apart from that this got nothing to do with budgets as few hundred dollars are a drop in the bucket for any company, especially considering that with the 3 new processes you will incorporate, they get this money back and actually much, much more.

However, rather than get discouraged, start looking for a better place of work. And in that case you likely need to pay for the program on your own, so that you can get better at what you do and show to the new company that you are an Asset, because you invest your own money to improve your skills which ultimately benefit the company you work for.

Go Here to Enroll with the Half Price Offer of $298.5 Before it Expires!