Tender Preparation Process Best Practices

Tender preparation process is becoming increasingly complex, frequently requiring numerous attachments, the use of graphics and pictures and using special layouts and formatting.

It is becoming more demanding on bidders for both their time and expertise. There is a growing trend to outsource parts or all of the tender document preparation and submission process. Whether you do it in-house or outsource it, you must remember the 3 major areas as outlined below.

I. Tender Preparation Process Must: Determine the Client Need/Want

You need to know exactly what the client wants. The best way to do this, if the tender documents are not clear, is to contact the client directly and either arrange a meeting to discuss it or communicate your questions via email.

It is important to make sure that you have complete understanding of what the client is asking for, and that they are completely serious about the offer. There is a danger that the client may use your ideas and solutions without accepting your proposal.

II. Fundamentals of Tender Preparation Process

Make sure you match the bid specification and do answer all the questions. Your tender must be able to meet all the requirements that the client has identified, including the cost structure and timeframe.

Over and above the requirements stated in the tender, the bidder should follow some critical rules when preparing the documentation as follows:

1. Cover Everything Asked
If the client has provided pre-qualification documents, make sure that you cover everything asked for including any references or testimonials.

2. Executive Summary
Prepare an executive summary of your bid and explain why it answers the client's needs. Write this last but put it at the beginning of your tender.

3. Illustrations & Graphics
Where possible, include illustrations and graphics to support your offer. This makes your bid more readable and pictures can sometimes explain better than words.

4. Detailed Project Costing
If the client does not provide a template to fill in to explain the costs, provide you own with a detailed project costing and an explanation how the work will be carried out including a proposed implementation plan.

5. The Team that will Execute the Tender
During your tender preparation process, provide details of the team of employees that will fulfill your obligations. Give professional credentials of your employees, any relevant previous experience gained with similar contracts and how they are the best for this job.

6. Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
Protect your intellectual property with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). If they do not provide one, use one of your own.

III. Enhacing the Tender Preparation Process

1. Client Need
Talk about the client’s needs and not yours. Show how you can solve their problems through applying your skills and experience.

2. Be Creative
Your tender preparation process should always include some creative ideas and alternative solutions including those relating to their future costs of maintenance and staffing. This gives the client confidence in your capabilities.

3. It's Not the Cost – It's ROI & Value for Money
Client’s tender evaluation is not only about cost: value for money is the factor that decides most bids. Explain how your offer provides additional value for the price paid and a better ROI.

4 Important Points to Remember about Tender Preparation Process

You can steal a march on the competition by emphasizing the following:

1. how you can reduce their risk;
2. lower their maintenance costs;
3. meet their deadlines; and
4. respond to project changes.

Don't leave yet, find out more about tender preparation process and tenders in general here.

Or, why not explore more about Purchasing & Procurement Center here.

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