Top 5 Tips to Tender Application Success

When considering to make a tender application, you must be thorough. Below you will find 5 tips to help you be successful.

5 rules to a successful tender application

1. Do your homework and start early

Each application for tender you make requires effort and resources. To make the best use of your time, get a copy of the tender documents as soon as you can, giving you more time to plan and prepare your submission.

If you get a copy of the tender documents through a third party, make sure that you register your interest with the contracting agency. This will ensure that you are notified of any amendments and that you are provided with any additional information issued.

2. Review and understand the client requirements

Make sure you understand what is required. Read the tender documentation thoroughly. Attend any pre-tender briefing sessions and be prepared to ask questions. If you are still uncertain and require assistance, seek clarification. This is the point at which a decision needs to be made whether to proceed to bid or not.

Every tender application will include a number of pre-defined attachments and certificates. Make sure that you are in possession of the necessary accreditations. Read the contract terms and conditions and make sure that you can comply. Non-compliant tenders may not be considered by the client.

3. Study the evaluation criteria and plan accordingly

Study the criteria against which your tender application will be evaluated and note any weighting placed on each of the criteria. You must satisfy each of the criteria and you should focus particularly on those criteria that carry the most weight.

Develop a tender response strategy which should include the budget and resources required to prepare your tender and to fulfill the contract should you be successful. The strategy will also include an analysis of your prospects of winning the tender and a review of your competition.

4. Check your tender application for completeness and accuracy

The tender will include all the requirements and specifications for the goods and services to be supplied. Be quite sure that you will be able to deliver. Include in your tender details of all the relevant experience you have in relation to the proposed contract. As a valued-added service you can offer substitute products or services where necessary or offer to make refunds if you fail to deliver as agreed.

5. Check the closing date, time and place for the tender

Failure to submit on time is a regular occurrence. As a rule, late tenders are not accepted. Don’t waste all the effort that has been put into the tender application. Be quite sure that you have enough time to prepare and submit an offer before the due date. It is up to you to deliver or post your tender documents to the correct address by the due date, and indeed at the correct time.

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