Two RFP examples one for goods and one for services

Here are two RFP examples. There is a general approach to be followed in preparing a Request for Proposal (RFP) but the actual content and level of detail will differ depending on the items or service required.

Highly complex I.T systems and communications projects providing services to multiple locations will require a very structured and detailed scope of work and technical specifications. A simple sourcing project for a service such as cleaning or catering or for goods such as office furniture or printing may need less technical data but more location and scheduling information.

Here are two RFP examples:

RFP example GOODS


Cover page Cover page
Purpose statement
We intend to purchase xxx number of this type of widgets per annum for 3 years for
the assembly and production of car engines
Purpose statement
We intend to source an HR service to provide our 1000 staff with wellness and health services to include ….
Company Information
Dimensions including factory locations,
size of each operation As for services
Company Information
Dimensions including no and
demographics of staff, gender, medical profile As for goods
Submit intention to bid
Attend the briefing
Submit price offer by
Hold price for xxx days
Decision within 60 days
Submit intention to bid
Submit service questions by
Decision in 120 days
Start service in Jan 2011
Scope of Work and Standards
Refer technical specifications
Quality control, returns and faults Acceptance criteria
0.01 % failures
Scope of Work and Standards
Must include these services
…..but exclude ……
Behavioral performance measures
Reduce absenteeism
Production plan Packaging specifications
Minimum quantities
Deliver to
Monthly delivery report
Wellness Strategy
Feasibility Report
Roll out plan by location
Individual clinical reports
Month review meeting
Contract Terms and Conditions
On time delivery and quality incentives
Payment on invoice
Price escalation mechanism
Labor rate escalation
Breach of contract rules
Cancellation of contract due to failure of product
Contract Terms and Conditions
Fixed price per staff member
Payment on statement
Option to renew
Confidentiality of contract
Continuous improvement in reducing time per service
Cancellation of contract due to non-performance
Evaluation and Award Process
Price criteria 40%
Quality 40%
Other not stated
We will not negotiate – give best price
Award to be made and announced publicly
Can use us as a trade reference

Evaluation and Award Process
Staff qualifications and experience
are more important than price
Negotiations on rates for
shortlisted suppliers
Must sign a non disclosure
agreement about the contract
List of accredited bodies to certify the supplier
Detailed list of approved components
Packaging instructions and materials to use
Matrix table of staff by
gender/qualification/experience and location
List of acceptable qualification of service providers
Medical aid rules

These RFP examples are for illustration purposes and are not comprehensive. There are many sources of RFP examples available on the Internet for specific uses.

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These RFP examples are for illustration purposes and are not comprehensive. There are many sources of RFP examples available on the Internet for specific uses.


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