Strategic Negotiation in Purchasing & Procurement
TBA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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The Strategic Negotiation in Purchasing & Procurement Seminar fully teaches about negotiations that require knowledge, tact, superior communication skills, and a solid game plan! What's important is that very few people understand that 90% of all negotiations take place before the involved parties even get to the bargaining table.

That's why this purchasing negotiating seminar, shows you that the key to successful negotiating lies primarily in your preparation.

Unlike many other seminars that concen­trate on the end stages of negotiating, this negotiating seminar focuses on setting you up for suc­cess right from the start. You will gain valu­able insights about how to prepare for your negotiation as well as strategies to employ during the meeting itself.

For full details & brochure for this negotiating seminar, as well as when & where it may be conducted, simply fill in your details on the right.

You will also receive a Free Subscription to Purchasing & Procurement's Center "Weekly Purchasing Tips", that show you how to run and manage better your purchasing & procurement functions.


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In short, you can take the mystery out of the negotiation process by learning some valuable, time-tested skills that can make you a more valuable asset to your company, and learn the following:

21 Benefits out of this Purchasing Negotiating Seminar

  • How to prepare for negotiations effectively
  • The ins and outs of savvy negotiating
  • The effective use of strategy and tactics
  • How to structure win/win negotiations
  • How to establish and meet negotiation objectives
  • How to negotiate for the best value and terms
  • Know the right type of bargaining process to use in various  situations.
  • lan your negotiations in three distinct phases.
  • Develop a pre-negotiation plan and gather the essential information.
  • Establish credibility and targets for your negotiation objectives.
  • Make power and influence work for you, not against you.
  • Use strategy, tactics, and counter-tactics effectively.
  • Identify emotional factors and sensory- based word cues.
  • Raise your People-Reading and Body Language IQ.
  • Identify proven traits and skills used by a good negotiator.
  • Use a 10-point Checklist on "Knowing Your Supplier."
  • Use a formal Pre-Negotiation Plan Check list.
  • Learn the 3 steps of the Negotiation Planning Model.
  • Discern the difference between price and cost analysis factors.
  • Use the Negotiation Process Flow Check list as a general guide.
  • Apply these skills in an actual negotiation setting.

If this is not the exact seminar you are looking for, click here to find out more purchasing & procurement seminar.


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