IT Contract Development
Developing a Contracting Strategy & Process for IT & Outsourcing Contracts
TBA - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
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As with any journey, the first step is perhaps the most important. When it comes to contracts the most crucial element of contracting is a sound contract development strategy and process.

This session will provide a variety of contracting strategy development techniques that work, which are specifically related to IT and Outsourcing Contracts.

Attend and Learn:

  • How corporate strategies relate as direction for your contracting plans?
  • When does a contracts team need a contracting strategy?
  • Who should be involved in developing these strategies?
  • How can you ensure continuous alignment between business strategies and contracting decisions?
  • Gain control of the timing for your contracting projects!
  • Optimize value and financial returns from your contracts
  • Manage contracting risks with greater effectiveness.


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“Jim is one of the best instructors for contracts and procurement around!”

“I like to thank Jim for this great course"

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